Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Treibgut - Floatsam

Traumverloren der Blick
ins geheimnisumspülte Treibgut,
während andere beginnen
den Unrat wegzuräumen.


  1. Wort und Bild verbinden sich zu einem Ganzen. Leise und heimlich schieben die Wellen in der Nacht ein Geheimnis an den Strand...

    Wunderbar lieber Jürgen

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  2. A beautiful light. These landscapes of water are very special, almost another dimension. Gretings Elena!

  3. This reminds of the constant need to jettison much of the flotsam that clutters my life!

    I've not been to Hilton Head but I find myself with an urge to visit! How did that happen? :-)

    You are an artist and always paint a delightful picture with your camera! The light here makes the ocean sparkle as if strewn with diamonds...and the flotsam, black and shiny, is the perfect complement!

    Thank you, my friend, for all of your very kind comments!


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