Friday, July 10, 2009

Drei Dreizeiler No. 18


Warum gerade Du?
Sie liebte ihn heftiger,
als alle Anderen zuvor.

Wenn wir uns eher erreicht,
wäre es so gewesen, wie
bei allen Anderen zuvor?

Bedacht lernten sie,
Geheimnisse zu respektieren,
Eitelkeiten verscheuchend.


  1. I think this photo this must also be a piece of stained glass...whatever, it is beautiful.

    And, let me guess: Is the poem about the warmth of summer?

  2. Hi Jacob,

    All my pictures of 3 DREIZEILER are adapted photos of overlapping petals.
    The tenor of the poem is dim-feelings of love, mysteries and vanity.


  3. ...dim-feelings of love, mysteries and vanity.

    thank you for your assessment - enlightening!

    ...and the song with it,
    velvet voice with this
    suede text - bitter and torturing
    which makes me almost swoon...

    ...and I am so glad
    that it is not me
    he is talking to...

    ...for sure...


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