Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dia Show - Glamour Flora Creative

* Mouse-controlled dia-show * Move cursor on top of the black background * to stop dia-show or change the speed * mouse click on picture to see the origin


  1. bravo,
    Il y a matière à faire un beau livre ou une exposition. sincèrement. Jorge.

  2. überwältigendes Schönheit, poetisch und tief berührend!

    I'm thrilled!!

    1. Danke, Isabella!
      Freue mich immer über Deine kunstvolle Sicht,
      und wenn es dann noch ein Lob wird, umso schöner.

  3. You are an artist extraordinaire, my friend. Amazingly beautiful photos. I hope they are hanging in a gallery somewhere because they deserve a wide exposure!

    So nice to hear from you. Lois Anne is doing quite well. Surgery was last March and her last scans are negative. She's even run/walking 5 miles a couple of times a week so we're very happy about that. It's been a tough year, though. But you know all about that. We hope that you are OK and that your situation has continued to improve.

    Our best wishes to you and your family!

    1. Great to read that Lois Anne is doing quite well. Please pass my cordial greetings to her accompanied by my best wisches on the road to recovery.

      Thank you for your kind and fair words about my Glamour Flora series.

  4. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, Juergen, and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!!!

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